Equity Valuation and Ratio Analysis - 003
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Equity Valuation and Ratio Analysis
- Interpret different financial ratios
- Analyze different approaches and methodologies for equity valuation
- Practical application and integration of finance and accounting concepts to valuing companies from an investor’s perspective
Course Content
- Ratio interpretation
- Common- size financial statement
- Activity ratios
- Liquidity ratios
- Solvency ratios
- Profitability ratios
- Valuation ratios
- The DuPont system
- Sustainable growth rate
- Limitations of financial ratios
- Price-earnings (P/E) ratio
- Other price-related ratios
- Enterprise value multiples
- How to estimate the value of a company using price multiples
- Estimate fair values of assets and liabilities
- Use of liquidation value
- Advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches
- Case study
Course Instructor
Ronald Chan (MBA, MAcc, CFA)
Number of sessions
2 sessions
Videos Duration
2.5 hours per session, total of 5 hours
* Course materials are avilable to download online directly after subscription
*Unlimited review during the 3-month subscription period
* CPT certificates will be granted to those participants who have:
- Watched all of the video content (based on time log in, log out and video clicks in the online portal)
- Achieved a score of 70% or above in assessment test
HK$ 1,200